In other words, you have no evidence at all. You tell me to read purely notional 'evidence' because evidently you think it's the job of other people to do your homework for you. Emma Smith has to write a book according to your precepts and I have to prove your case with evidence that doesn't exist.
Sorry, but in addition to not having a crystal ball, I also don't have a magic wand. I can't make evidence relating to Shakespeare's supposed Greek-language sources appear out of the ether. If you want to claim he used Greek-language sources, you'll have to provide the evidence yourself.
I never said that Emma. You are putting words on the page that I didn’t write. You certainly don’t have to prove my case. Proving your own is hard enough for you to do in the 21st Century
Then I ask you again what is the evidence that William Shakespeare used Greek-language sources? This is YOUR CLAIM, so you can support it... or not, as the case may be.