In my fantasy football draft populated by USCPSC characters, Knight Lady is getting drafted way, waaaaaay before TV or even Turkey Tom. Still taking Fire Demon first overall, but at least Knight Lady looks like she knows how to take the field.
X is an unsafe product.
So is Fox News, and the next President as well. The entire GOP while we're at it. Christian Nationalism is an unsafe product for sure too.
It was fun watching this show and imagining that somewhere in Westeros there was a business that created all-sword furniture inspired by the throne and what a headache that must have been for the Westeros Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Have you ever tried positive reinforcement for companies? Like what if we could also report SAFE products to you? Berkeley tried this with driving and coffee vouchers, and quickly found that people did not like being pulled over for good driving, but maybe it would work on businesses.
CPSC HISTORY: In the early 1990s, CPSC Chairman Ann Brown established the CPSC Chairman's Commendation for Significant Contributions to Consumer Product Safety. Chairman Brown initiated the commendation program to...
That’s very cool. I still think you should also randomly send companies certificates for just not killing anyone, though. Not necessarily recognizing products that specifically *increase* safety, just don’t actively cause harm.
I feel like a “Congratulations, you didn’t kill [maim/injure/poison] anyone this year [month/week]” certificate, a weirdly photoshopped graphic tangentially related to their field, and maybe like an office pizza party or something could go a long way to encouraging product safety.
So is Fox News, and the next President as well. The entire GOP while we're at it. Christian Nationalism is an unsafe product for sure too.
Thanks, alt text. Thalt text.
What dark magic built them?