"... Chinese shippers who import dangerous consumer products in violation of U.S. laws will no longer be able to hide behind the de minimis provision and put American families at risk."
Full statement: https://www.cpsc.gov/About-CPSC/Chairman/Peter-A-Feldman/Statement/President-Trump%E2%80%99s-Strong-Stand-on-China-Will-Save-American-Lives 2/2
Full statement: https://www.cpsc.gov/About-CPSC/Chairman/Peter-A-Feldman/Statement/President-Trump%E2%80%99s-Strong-Stand-on-China-Will-Save-American-Lives 2/2
Not even a tick of some kind of friction.
Unfollowed, muted. Goodbye, sweet person originally behind the consumer protection account.
It looks like it’ll be used for MAGA propaganda moving forward.
I just unfollowed.
I may block it if the propaganda keeps showing up on my feed.
Unfollow, with extreme prejudice.
They keep using that word (strong). I don't think it means what they think it means.
Post a meme of a wallabee if they have your family.
Press releases from the new govt are garbage. They have no substance, use unexplained jargon, and force hamhanded opinions as fact