The line between sexual attraction and pornographic apparatus is very fine, but when the audience doesn't care what he has been through, what he is thinking, what he is struggling with, what he is trying to achieve. Just could acknowledge that it's just pornographic.
This is also related to people’s attitude towards the function of fan culture.A considerable number of participants insist that fan culture only evokes pleasure and is limited to entertainment, rejecting cultural values and in-depth analysis. This perspective can be seen in all age groups.
i have a mild headache im not getting into discourse but its very transparent a lot of times that ppl couldnt care less about him beyond him being big and having a dick
tldr as a jayce fan first there's just a lot of times where i wish people treated him like an equal perspective worth exploring and not a vibrator that gets passed around the cast. this is not an indictment of all porn ever i enjoy nsfw but even there he can be nuanced and a person. giopara too lol
I feel like this comes from the ppl's inability to let jokes out of character analysis, which has soured a lot of fandom content for me. jayce is always a himbo or a sex toy, viktor is a bitter crippled (actual words I've read with my own two eyes 🥴) vi is just a dumb lesbian and so on and so on
man people want him to be stupid so bad. folks will turn up to a new show with a bunch of stereotyped character archetypes they already like and will shoehorn characters into those moulds regardless of whether or not they actually fit at all
I see that a lot with viktor, I don't know where people get that he's a hateful person who hits others when in the show what we see the most is just his frustration that hexteck will be used for the wrong purpose. Same with vi somehow her being from zaun means she can't read and is a bimbo.
People don't even stop at fandom for that stuff too tbh. I'm pretty sure "bitter cripple" is my nickname when I go out in my wheelchair LMAO. People are wretched sometimes.
an interesting, complex case of a Blue-Eyed Dreamer’s relentless fall into realism (Icarus Atlas Orpheus type beats) reduced to Good Looks and Fanfic Dick. many such cases
prometheus stealing magic from the gods and then the fandom acts like he has no internal depth and is either the straightest man ever for the heteroship or generic seme flavor when they like viktor more. idk i think even in porn there is nuance to be had but jayce gets slim pickings even in sfw
See, the thing is that even if you're the number 1 Vik fan and see Jayce just as a boundary condition (not my case in the slightest, but let's speak hypothetically here), you cannot remove the fact that *primarily* Viktor is fascinated by Jayce brain and passion, not look.
In the arrest scene, he doesn't show any particular interest. But at the trial, *that* is the moment in which Vik's interest is triggered. By Jayce ideas and passion and truthfulness and pushing limits. And then by the NOTES in his notebook, his theory, math, diagrams.
*Precisely*. It's a steep incline from "I was trying to create magic" (Viktor literal open mouth there, followed by one of his insanely rare smiles) to the floating scene, passing from packed chalky formulas, "crank it", let's break my boss lab. The PEAK romantic dream for any nerd kid.
I honestly have a hard time to imagine any universe in which Viktor is not (physically) attracted to Jayce because of his BRAIN.
Even if LOL lore (the old one, I refuse to consider the new) they bond at a party because they fundamentally find everyone else dumb and not really worth speaking.
Not the point (I agree with the point) but Jayce is so greek mythology. Underscored by the fact that the gauntlets and hammer are named after Greek and Roman deities respectively.
Maybe they decided that was too on the nose lol. He is a real Prometheus though, bringing divine power to the people because it's what they deserve, and ending up tortured for that while the people get to keep his gift
Also actually interesting that his name was going to be Apollo (god of healing among other things) and that they switched it to Jayce (usually short for Jason, which means healer)
I always wondered if it was from most people projecting onto Viktor as a sort of self insert. I mostly project onto Jayce and prefer bottom Jayce incidentally
I think you're correct, and identifying with one half of a ship is normal but not if you're going to sand both characters' personalities down to an insulting smoothness
I think I'm just desensitized after watching people make Sans into a serious daddy dom somehow and then split off into 500000 different micro Sans's. An then the onceler 😭 god
I also see that people just dismiss his story,saying he is a CL insert character,even tho the team made sure he is anything but that
Or when people simplify him:he does what the last person tells him.
Dismissing his thoughts,the will to do good, being manipulated by people of higher class &influence
UGH YES... like y'all he's such a compelling character if you take a solid .5 seconds to actually look at him. sad to see them doing my best boy so dirty
i think you're focusing too much on the "sex" part of the original post and not enough on the "reducing." swinging the characterization pendulum all the way in other direction doesn't solve the problem, which is a character (of color) being reduced to an accessory.
Because it can be horrible case of "Latin Lover" trope.
Miguel O'Hara from the Spiderverse films got the same treatment from mostly of fandom. 🤮
Even if LOL lore (the old one, I refuse to consider the new) they bond at a party because they fundamentally find everyone else dumb and not really worth speaking.
Or when people simplify him:he does what the last person tells him.
Dismissing his thoughts,the will to do good, being manipulated by people of higher class &influence
But I appreciate the clarification just in case!