Did he not have a timeout? And have they not closed a lot of one possession games with an iso, contested, step back three on several occasions? None of that is on Finch? Guess I know very little, thanks Coach.
He didn’t use the time out because it’s easier to get into an action in flow in that situation. Ultimately it’s on Ant to make a better decision. And if you don’t coach then you don’t know the thought processes that go into it.
Yea I understand that. Finches decision didn’t work, which is what I am commenting on in my post. His late game choice is to trust Ant, and Ant has chooses to chuck a three 99% of the time. I’m commenting on all the late losses not just one. So Finch has no control over late game scenarios?
Ant is 23. This is part of his maturation process & growing pains. It’s a long regular season & a long journey ahead with Ant. Finch is wisely letting Ant go through this. It will pay dividends later. The NBA is a players league. Finch knows what he’s doing even if it’s frustrating for us to watch.