My entire fkin adolescence omfg. For SOME REASON I always thought my diagnosis wasn't legit because of reasons adult me doesn't understand 🤣 it was so weird! Like I HAD ESSENTIALLY BEEN DIAGNOSED BUT WOULD SIT AROUND GOING "damn I wish my diagnosis was valid cuz I'm totally autistic" BUT??? WHAT?
You know, thinking about it, I think that maybe drs had alluded to it but I did not have a piece of paper that said "Beck is autistic" and because they DID NOT SAY IT IN THE PRECISE WORDS I NEEDED TO HEAR IT IN I just went "oh well I'm only KINDA autistic" which... um... 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah, 😅 the need for direct and explicit diagnosis is definitely a thing.
Also the misdiagnosis of different gender presentations and sexes is wild, so that could have contributed to your doctor's bullshittery!
Yuuuup! I was also, at one point, actually trying to find out if I had bipolar, but the psychiatrist was like "LET ME TEST YOU FOR AUTISM!" and I was like "wha? HMM?"
Also the misdiagnosis of different gender presentations and sexes is wild, so that could have contributed to your doctor's bullshittery!