okay question 2 why do people think that utop is shit¹?
¹obviously this is bait, but close enough
¹obviously this is bait, but close enough
Reposted from
what is the equivalent of utop for haskell?
let () = UTop.set_show_box false
personally I have
let () = UTop.set_profile UTop.Dark
let () = UTop.add_keyword "nonrec"
e.g. compared to ghci, there is no equivalent of :r for reloading the repl without closing it and losing imported modules, there is no :t that displays types without running the expression...
regarding :t I don't use ghci much but this seems to match #show or #typeof? not sure though
for variables, i use :i anyway. :t really shines for expressions with complex types where the result isn't obvious.
also needing ;; is annoying
sometimes it is useful to prevent early enters though lol
how so?
also you can navigate using Alt + ←/→