I just hope that shows in its box office too, cuz I’ddo anything to see this movie be a hit so Disney can let Pixar make more original movies like Elio and Hoppers and not just sequels after Toy Story 5 (which admittedly looks promising with Andrew Stanton directing/writing) and Incredibles 3.
I just hope that shows in its box office too, cuz I’ddo anything to see this movie be a hit so Disney can let Pixar make more original movies like Elio and Hoppers and not just sequels after Toy Story 5 (which admittedly looks promising with Andrew Stanton directing/writing) and Incredibles 3.
I know people don’t see Finding Dory on the same pedestal as Finding Nemo but I still found more good in that movie to make it worth having been made, especially when it came to Dory dealing with overcoming her memory loss and bringing herself back to finding and reuniting with her family.