I like Thunder Rosa, I feel like she was gone a long time from that injury and she needed her momentum rebuilt. Her booking was up and down. I think she needs something like a “continental classic/tournament” to get her some momentum
This is a reminder that there are actual people behind our entertainment. Writers, artists, wrestlers, etc. These are people and we should do a better job when we decide to talk about them on the internet. I count myself among those who have to remember these are people, and our words have weight.
it is such a shame to hear about these terrible fans. I have attempted suicide some years ago and came to realize that only I matter and that I had to stop listening to bad people and just do my thing. I had professional help on my way and I am grateful for the help. T
Anybody that hates her needs their head examined. She's a beautiful looking woman and a hell of a technical wrestler she deserves more of a push from creative cuz she brings something to the ring that the others just don't have.