How? He got a big push. Beat an important stat heel for a championship. Hes on television every week. Not everyone has to be in the main event. He doesn't necessarily fit into the main event they have right now but they've kept him adjacent. Give it time.
I think he's being overlooked right now, I know he had his title run but ever since he won it they haven't been able to figure out how to book him in any meaningful way
Having the championship has no meaning? Not everyone can be in the main event and he didn't fit within the Bloodline angle that was the main event. So this is the best that can be done outside of that.
Kiser is a legit sleeper, N can go with ANYONE!
Kinda wanna see Kiser V Gable best of 5/7 4 the IC strap, w/ the last as a 3 stages of hell n Gunter picks the 3rd stipulation after they each pick 1
Credit where it's due!
Yes obviously I meant Kaiser, dude is a stud...
Scary thing is I feel like if he doesn't get that IC belt in the next 2/3 months, he's gonna be the next Dolph but without the titles.
Dude was red hot as a face. Turned him heel, barely use him, and squash him when they do use him.