Everyone doing things more impressive than me is younger than me.
Chance of me actually getting anywhere in life is actually 0%.
Well, 0% when it's rounded down. I don't feel like doing the math for my odds of winning the lottery and instantly being able to solve actually every problem in my life.
Chance of me actually getting anywhere in life is actually 0%.
Well, 0% when it's rounded down. I don't feel like doing the math for my odds of winning the lottery and instantly being able to solve actually every problem in my life.
So much shit I could've done that I just didn't.
Everyone else is a better choice than me for literally anything.
Should just go back to the dead ends and back to the daily pain of being there.
Everything I've wanted for so long just won't happen. I just need to accept that and go back to being a perfect nobody like I was meant to be.
My life is pretty okay.
I have a place to stay and a bit of cash to spend.
I have people who care, who I care about.
Maybe that makes me hate it even more.
Knowing that I'm better off than so many others and still getting fuck all with it.
Had a job and quit it.
the reason doesn't even fucking matter anymore.
what the fuck am i doing?
why am i still here?
just wasting everyone's time and everyone's care.
I'll be okay and I'll get over it and I'll go back to wasting away in a below livable wage job watching all my dreams fade away because I didn't act fast enough.
Not that I can't fix it now.
I can, can't I?
Just need a little bit of luck.
Luck isn't gonna get shit done.
Sitting around waiting for it isn't going to get shit done.
I still need a little bit of luck to get through it all.
But maybe, just maybe, I can finally actually get myself to DO things.
And the luck will come.