Please consider your actions right now, and read this. I thought that after Kamala lost people would get it, but it doesn’t seem like that’s the case. Maybe reading a post like this will help.
However, I don't think, most people, Democrats included, appreciate the momentousness of the current events.
I wish there would emerge a leader or leaders that find a way to escalate the resistance to proportional to what's happening levels.
IDK, maybe it's not the time yet, but, the problem is, when you know for sure it's time, it might be to late.
Maybe, come up with such ideas and start threatening with them.
And until people stop saying the Democrats aren’t doing anything so I’m not either, Nothing’s gonna change.
Leftist is not a bad word, and we can't let this current attempt to demonize it to continue.
Remember how Fox completely vilified liberal.
This is a concerted effort to divide us.
Plus we are not a party of sycophants like the Republicans. We are a big tent party. Instead of internal fighting, why don’t we talk about how each group can work with their strengths to connect with different voting blocs.
However; If someone from our side refuses to vote dem because they aren’t “communist enough”, that individual is MAGA in my book and they can fuck straight off.
Because people like you believe in both instantaneous magical solutions to the problems you create and the sincerity of online grifters telling you Dems are the enemy.
Can the Democrats DO something and stop complaining that they are in minority? Chris Murphy just expressed deep regret for voting to confirm Rubio. How about he thought before voting? That is leadership in action.
So many people with big follower counts are leaning into this hard to drive up their engagement
All these privileged people.
Walking out of the speech wouldn’t have diminished anything. And I’m not aware of anyone threatening to withhold votes in 2026 based on it. Or is he saying walking out would be equivalent to voting for Jill Stein in 2016?
Maybe his point is that walking out was like voting for Jill Stein. But it wasn't.
FWIW, it’s not about not being
No one likes centrists except white people and their tokens
The two party system is a complete failure, just look so Amy Klobuchar
We can't have either or options, we need more than two choices
But the Dems don't want that
Fuck the Dems
That's what's known as liberal democracy. Sort of the whole point of it, really.
To withhold voting for someone you would otherwise vote for because they cannot do what you think they should even if it’s not an option (yet) shouldn’t be the final decision without digging deeper for more understanding.
People should be concerned about ongoing election tampering given Musk had 4 years to hack 7 states and Trump bragged he did it.
They hacked into secure government systems in hours. They had FOUR YEARS and Trump bragged they were doing it.
It can’t hurt to call our reps about this. I’ll write a letter and email. Tell a friend.
The leftist disdain for liberal democracy is palpable.
Please point out in the speech where she described herself as a "life-long Republican"?
You are more upset about this than MAGA & Putin dismantling Western Liberalism. The far left are not allies.
Both MI senators voted for some of Trump’s appointments and she served in the CIA. Her mom was a Dem. Not much I can do about that.
The selective outrage is noted.
Or maybe "the far left" is watching MAGA do all that harm while Dems do nothing to fight back, see Dems put on a shitty, weak response to Trump and are frustrated with it.
They're way, way to the left of the contemporary progressives you denounce as "far left."
They would be horrified at MAGA & Putin undermining of Western Liberalism & their legacy they worked hard to establish.
The outrage by the far left is duly misguided.
I don't mind valid criticism, but MAGA and Putin are dismantling Western Liberalism and this is what the far left is mad about?
I voted for Harris.
What Republican values did she espouse that you found upsetting? I am trying to understand.
People are offended by these statements regarding Reagan (and was not about Reagan)?
There is a collective movement rising and we need representation. Labeling people leftists for expecting more from the Democratic party than keeping decorum is a terrible blind spot.
I also think silencing people with real concerns is Republican, but Dems are now acting like 2004 Republicans, so?
When they miss the mark, it’s our responsibility to let them know so they can course-correct! Valid criticism, fine.
Shouting “resign” or “do something” or anything else that serves to hobble them & spread negative propaganda, don’t do it
In terms of peaceful protesting, I think that one big part of it is that that man & his cronies are literally chomping at the bit to have a Dem
Rep to make an example of. They’re waiting to be able to toss one or more of them in jail or to find a way to expel them, which would be more harmful to all of us in the end. These people are threatening the lives of their own people, so I have to believe that the
I hope you can find a Dem rep whose actions speak to you, though! We all need that to be able to stay tuned in.
We need to embrace folks like AOC. there is no going back
“Don’t hold the Dems accountable for their weakness & inaction in the face of fascism” is a useless take.
Kamala lost, so ppl should sober up &support Dems harder? 🤔 Maybe if DEMS GOT A CLUE & supported the PEOPLE they wouldn’t lose.