It’s a bad brain moment and it *will* get better soon. It doesn’t make these feelings any less real and difficult to carry; *they* are the burden, not you. I’m sorry you’re struggling and I’m here for you always.
You're never a burden, Soph. You have problems and all your true friends (including me) understand and support you. It's better to get your issues out in the open than to just bottle them up and make things worse for yourself.
Sophie…there are times we all feel like imposters or unworthy, but sometimes that’s our brain effing with us. You are a lovely, smart, intelligent, kind human with much to offer the world. Don’t let your personal demons win.
You're never a burden. You are loved. I hope things can go smoothly for you. It's Wednesday evening here at the moment and I'm ready for the entire month to be done because it's been such a mess.
You got this! And we're all here for you (even if we're on the wrong side of the pond).
You're most certainly not. You deserve to express when you're hurting and overwhelmed like this, and everybody that cares about you would prefer to know. You're incredibly strong but everybody hits that point where we just have to reach out. I hope things get better for you!
better soon.
You sharing means you're still fighting, and that's the important part.
But just like my burden you are very precioussss ...
A phrase I hold onto when I'm in the dark depths: "This, too, shall pass."
Also "feelings are not facts." Feelings are entirely subjective, & exist only in our own minds.
Take good care and I hope the feelings have passed.
You got this! And we're all here for you (even if we're on the wrong side of the pond).
And Nala agrees.
You are a good person. Nothing and no-one can take that away from you.
I am, and always will be, your friend.