Is there a more depressing story than "Man wrongfully convicted of horrible crime released after 40 years after DNA test exonerates him"? Like it seems like we should be able to do these dna tests sooner. I can test my dogs DNA in like a week for like $80 via through the mail
9:00am: Medium sized Terrier breed determination
10:30am: 23 and Me ancestry test for a woman named Beth in Rhode Island
12:00pm: Lunch
1:30pm: DNA test for potentially wrongfully convicted man whose life has been stolen form him for 4 decades
You are convicted of murder. They present all kinds of evidence. You present irrefutable evidence that you did not do it.
Your appeals after must meet timeliness and new evidence requirements.
Prosecutors spend their lives defending their convictions. They have won cases that makes it difficult to open them back up.
The Supreme Court also stated Actual Innocence is not an appealing power
They lead the fight in exonerated wrongfully convicted individuals and have to date secured the release of over 200 inmates, most through DNA. They have also identified the true criminal in over 80 of the cases.
Because we voted to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution and the Nazis in Jeff City STILL keep introducing legislation to make it illegal.
It's fucked up.
Lots of things about Missouri are fucked up.
We acknowledged that prosecutors screw up, or make stuff up all the time.
The government should not get to kill citizens.