You seem to be arguing with Christian Scientists, who are a tiny minority of the total number of Christians in the world. Is it worth the effort? I used to know one, you won’t change their minds.
Big pharma and the medical profession slowly killing America with synthetic poisons concocted in labs.
And pushed by doctors because "the benefits outweigh the risks".
Nonsense. Also this doesn't help to defend our faith.
I'm christian and only God must be worshiped.
But this only harms image and reinforces what the original message against christians says.
Posting nonsense does harm than good.
Not sure what you are talking about.
To question my faith without even knowing is presumptuous.
You may want to observe someone's profile before jumping to conclusions.
Pharmaceuticals have nothing to do with God.
Genesis 1 : 29-30
The herbs are for our healing.
Honor the physician with the honor due him, according to your need of him, for the Lord created him; for healing comes from the Most High, and he will receive a gift from the king. The skill of the physician lifts up his head, and in the presence of great men he is admired...
I tried to tell this to my neighbor Muhhmed but he got unhappy and has not spoke to me since. Woke up next morning after that and my car had 2 flat tires
I saw a woman say she was trusting jesus because she’s a good person and knows he loves her.
And that left a bad taste in my mouth because of all the amazing folks in my family whose lives were taken from them from disease.
Actually not contradiction with christian fatih.
Syriach 38: 1-8
It literally starts with.
"Hold the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who established his profession."
Later it says "the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent man should not neglect".
Jesus was a human. People forget. He was teaching people how to live, through kindness. He was not a man of God, but the child of a girl. The boy of a carpenter. A kid, who would even talk back to temple elders. He was a human. Flawed, in the eyes of society. Helpful, in the eyes of society. Jesus.
I will not criticize how an individual gets thru life. If you believe in Jesus & that He sent you modern doctors and meds to make life better. No worries. So long as you are good and kind to others as your neighbors, and you do not require I adhere to your beliefs as a prerequisite to your kindness
I used to get my meds from a psychiatric nurse. When they weren't helping me she insisted I just needed to pray and God would make my mental illness better. I told her I was an atheist now but she wouldn't back down. It blew my mind. Fortunately she was fired for other reasons. Bizarre
B/C it’s “religion “ not based on messianic Jewish faith. simply sharing what I have learned. have a look at The Complete Jewish Bible and corresponding commentary by David stern, the Pentateuch by John sailhammer, our hands are stained with blood by Michael L brown, podcasts and on line sources
Also, time to cleanup the timeline a bit. Jesus is middle eastern - tan, dark hair, dark eyes. Let’s end this European white washing of history while we are at it.
Patient in hospital: Jesus will help me!
Doctor walks in
Doctor: I'm Dr. Jesus Martinez, what seems to be the problem?
Patient: Told you!
Doctor: This is why I'd rather everyone call me Dr. Martinez...
Actually not contradiction with christian fatih.
Syriach 38: 1-8
It literally starts with.
"Hold the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who established his profession."
Later it says "the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent man should not neglect".
Actually not contradiction with christian fatih.
Syriach 38: 1-8
It literally starts with.
"Hold the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who established his profession."
Later it says "the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent man should not neglect".
If God sends him to hell that will just prove his point, because if God is really as loving as Christians claim he would forgive those who mock him, even if you wouldn't.
Whatever, there have been images of our Lady Mary with dark skin (for example those painted in jesuitic missions in South America), so what's the problem?
It's a statement on the common display of Jesus by many Christians as a white man of seemingly European ancestry when he would have been born to people of middle eastern descent. Odds are, if Jesus existed, he would have been a bit darker than many white Christians like to depict.
Whatever God exists I hope he is more forgiving than yours, your idea of God is one who wants to torture anyone who insults him, that sounds more like a tyrannical dictator than a loving father.
I'm a Christian myself but I don't assume anything, you know nothing about death because you haven't died, you know nothing about God because he has never spoken to you, everything in your life is based on assumptions
Also, I never noticed how easily you can make American Psycho Christian Bale look like Jesus with a little bit of facial hair. That's not concerning at all, how natural White Jesus looks with a dead-inside-smile.
And pushed by doctors because "the benefits outweigh the risks".
I'm christian and only God must be worshiped.
But this only harms image and reinforces what the original message against christians says.
Posting nonsense does harm than good.
To question my faith without even knowing is presumptuous.
You may want to observe someone's profile before jumping to conclusions.
Pharmaceuticals have nothing to do with God.
Genesis 1 : 29-30
The herbs are for our healing.
I still make toast in the morning.
And that left a bad taste in my mouth because of all the amazing folks in my family whose lives were taken from them from disease.
✨️in Bruce Wayne we trust✨️
Syriach 38: 1-8
It literally starts with.
"Hold the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who established his profession."
Later it says "the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent man should not neglect".
Doctor walks in
Doctor: I'm Dr. Jesus Martinez, what seems to be the problem?
Patient: Told you!
Doctor: This is why I'd rather everyone call me Dr. Martinez...
Syriach 38: 1-8
It literally starts with.
"Hold the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who established his profession."
Later it says "the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent man should not neglect".
Syriach 38: 1-8
It literally starts with.
"Hold the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who established his profession."
Later it says "the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent man should not neglect".
Good eye!