This is an easy. As time progresses the nature of people also changes. An apostle or Messiah appears in every age to cater for the mindset of the people of that time.
The wall of his tomb shows his virgin birth and 3 spirits visiting him bearing gifts. DNA tests show Amenhotep and Yuya were closely related. You can visit them in the Cairo Museum. Yuya's father was Yaqaru, king of Ugarit (modern Latakia), home of one Bashar Assad. "Wheels within wheels, Bendreth."
It's the son/ winter solstice, descends into hell (below horizon) and on the third day ascends into heaven...return of the light...light of our world. But ya know, goes back down every, doesn't stay in heaven....
He works in mysterious ways. He is among us as we speak, feeding starving kids, curing disease, stopping wars with the money he gets on Sunday mornings.
2Esdras 13:He inhabits an inaccessible place on Earth
Revelation 12: His mother is taken to a place prepared for her
No one wants to bow to a body of flesh, so you can wait until he leaves & have to answer an AI
Each Hexagon is a screen
How a vision appears mentally Simplified
Just sayin'.
You wouldn't want to be labeled as 'intolerant' for asking simple questions, now would you?
LoL 🤣
2Esdras 13:He inhabits an inaccessible place on Earth
Revelation 12: His mother is taken to a place prepared for her
No one wants to bow to a body of flesh, so you can wait until he leaves & have to answer an AI
Each Hexagon is a screen
How a vision appears mentally Simplified