The Time Engraver got a new job! \o/ Dripping his, um, fluid on annoying men to make them less annoying. Good skill to have.
Reposted from
wenella x zhu yilong
Feb 27 Weibo: Zhu Yilong for L'Oreal Paris Men Expert
#ZhuYilong #朱一龍 #朱一龙
#ZhuYilong #朱一龍 #朱一龙
I love that they keep positioning him as a magical being who appears in the hidden world of (time stoppage) (train tunnels).
At first I was like, please he's trying to read his newspaper in peace, CAN ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP-- but ohhhh, of course he's magic. 😌 Gonna moisturize his fellow passengers for pleasant travel vibes. :)))