What is even wrong with these guys' brains? If I had a few million dollars, I'd move to Estonia and enjoy the rest of my life and nobody'd ever hear from me again outside of occasional shitposting On Here.
Thought of you when I listened to this Ezra Klein video. Kara Swisher talks about techno authoritarianism.
She believes they only have plans to destroy & none to rebuild. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xXLycFv5Gc
that's disappointing for a person with a high IQ--he doesn't grasp how the authoritarianism works. Nobody is safe.
And MAGA should love his white power pitches--he looks like a proper nazi: blue eyes, blond hair and marble white skin.
I think most people do not have a clue what these mega ego, mega wealthy men are planning. If they did, they'd think it is fiction. It is not, and our country is in for real pain.
From what I gather “freedom” in Freedom Cities means city leaders/owners have the freedom to do as they please with the consumers and human capital that resides in their city.
And if you don’t like it, you get no voice, you can only choose to leave—if you can afford moving.
Thiel is the Leonard Leo of the tech world. Leo is pimp to the SCOTUS stars, hooking them up with billionaires. Thiel is pimp to tech oligarchs like Elon Musk, supplying him with young cyperpunks to do his dirty work.
The Network State plans are absolutely bonkers. They already have their “California Forever” plan in Solano County and now they’re coming for the Presidio?!
This is the tech billionaires plan. This is an excellent video explaining it all. It’s a 16 minute watch. You will think about this video for weeks after watching it.
The very company that Rep. Michael Gallagher, the GOP's dream soldier/intellectual/Congressman who made his fame by chairing the "Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, joined when he abruptly resigned from the House last year.
They surely won’t do on their own money. I’d prefer they go live on their own private island never to be seen or heard from again. Possibly be destroyed in a hurricane or a Tsunami
Anyone notice that there’s no people in their depictions. That’s NOT by accident. Their “divine” world is one in which they own everything - but without any of us in it - you entering the twilight zone of magalomaniacs, here be dragons 🐉
These will be "freedom hamlets"
She believes they only have plans to destroy & none to rebuild.
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And MAGA should love his white power pitches--he looks like a proper nazi: blue eyes, blond hair and marble white skin.
And if you don’t like it, you get no voice, you can only choose to leave—if you can afford moving.
I can’t believe this isn’t getting more coverage.
This is the tech billionaires plan. This is an excellent video explaining it all. It’s a 16 minute watch. You will think about this video for weeks after watching it.
Sold 2 years later for …
Ouch 🤣
Because, as is often true, his page includes his history of sexual predation.
it’s not just a fantasy of theirs
This is a great read with some insight from a West Point lawyer. I may have already posted this link to you in my previous replies.