Thanks Kate, as potentially one of the 15% being disposed of (after 3 years of anxiety and restructuring) at least I can take comfort from the satisfaction you derive from being ‘right’
As someone who spent her entire senior career in medicine going through restructuring and reorganisation, I’ve every sympathy with individuals facing job uncertainty & insecurity. My point is about NHSE & its current leadership.
Well I’ve been worked night and day for the organisation that is the subject of your ‘point’ so I should infer I’m to some extent a contributing factor to its inadequacies. I should be grateful, I may be making no contribution to society but I least I am worthy of sympathy.
If you watched Amanda Pritchard's #CovidInquiry testimony it will come as no surprise she is being criticised. She couldn't tell the inquiry what was being done on indoor air quality in hospitals.
"I'll have to get back to you on that" she said. Airborne viruses are killing patients.
It’s how people get to the top in most organisations; say nothing, toe the line, protect the organisation at all costs. Unless this is changed, mediocrity and stagnation becomes the norm. They can’t be too intelligent or independent minded as that is seen as dangerous.
It’s a very complicated service, I had a dreadful D of N who wanted every report on 1 side of A4. Diluted , inadequate information & responses not fit for purpose!
"I'll have to get back to you on that" she said. Airborne viruses are killing patients.
Very poor indeed