Also: This is a photo of Gordon Cronk, Jr., he’s a notorious Proud Boy, career criminal with prior felonies, and an amateur MMA fighter. He assaulted multiple antifascists in Oregon City in June, 2021. He became a wanted outlaw for dodging his warrants he earned for his actions that day.
He was eventually picked up in Utah, where he tussled with two police officers and made two attempts to steal their guns during the violent altercation. (2/?)
Gordon Cronk, Jr wasn’t the only violent shitfucker that day. Local proud boy Barry Johnson, seen here, also caught charges for his actions and he also went on the run to evade capture. (3/?)
Barry was eventually picked up in a human trafficking operation in Arizona, and was returned to Oregon where he stood trial, pleaded out, and ate the 14 day jail sentence.
Also, his 2nd domestic violence charge, strangulation, was dropped by his gf after she became pregnant his with child. (4/?)
Only 1 antifa was arrested, charged, and convicted of “felony riot.” This was because she didn’t immediately leave after the police closed the park and told everyone to leave. The logic is: when police declare a riot, you must leave, otherwise you’re considered a rioter and subject to arrest. (6/?)
Also, his 2nd domestic violence charge, strangulation, was dropped by his gf after she became pregnant his with child. (4/?)
Important: This was all well after the police ordered everyone to leave. This was PBs following the antifascists as they were leaving.