Yep!! Elon is a shyster. After he bought Twitter he - failed to honor severance agreements, made changes without permits, mounted a massive bright illegal sign on the building that could be seen for miles, refused to allow inspectors in the building, didn't pay rent. It's the Silicon Valley way.
If we do that here, we'll be charged with terrorism. But there's nothing stopping the Canadians and the Europeans. Trump and Elon cannot control anything outside U.S. borders. And I'm guessing authorities would look the other way.
Trump is looking for any excuse to declare martial law. Burning down dealerships will likely backfire.I wish we were more like the French, but alas we are not.Peaceful protests,blocking entrances OTOH = fair game. The one in SF was great. Lots of street theater etc. One cop drove by and left.
laws are for everybody except zippy the wonder chainsaw boy, and everyone who works for him
[email protected]
Elections aren't going to deliver.