Special shout out to this specific clip and vtuber for inspiring this whole mess, the pose in particular is based heavily on the meme at 0:06 (the video talks about lewd stuff btw)
"what's that about hempen camises?"
Explanation: I thought mentioning the concept of genderlocked outfits (the bane of my existence) would be weird given I am, in the meme, supposed to be the boyfriend of the viewer and we are in Ul'dah etc and don't see tooltips, etc.
Explanation: I thought mentioning the concept of genderlocked outfits (the bane of my existence) would be weird given I am, in the meme, supposed to be the boyfriend of the viewer and we are in Ul'dah etc and don't see tooltips, etc.
might parse as another word if you're a certain sort of reader and read the text very quickly
I am sorry, I saw it too, but decided anything different would have been too big to fit into the space I had so it's in there
I tried hard to make it a progression from fluffy short stuff at the top down to long and slightly scary stuff at the bottom, ehehe