Your honor, I call cap. If it weren't for Findlay she'd be a smear in the wailing dunes
Pulled up to murder my boy. Had to violate the geneva convention, and nuke him with the power of the outer god of cancer and have the audacity to claim victory afterword
Just saying, we saw him go easy on her right before. He could've rushed her down like he does to us, but he lets her get ready before he attacks her. Leonard did better in that fight than she did, and he didn't ruin any ecosystems in the process.
P.S. Your work is always immaculate, role model lvl
Awesome as always, I'm using the opportunity of this app being more social interaction friendly to say that it as been a while since I started making you one of my main inspiration
You are one of the people who made me an artist by your fantastic work, and I will be forever grateful for that 💗
Your honor, I call cap. If it weren't for Findlay she'd be a smear in the wailing dunes
Pulled up to murder my boy. Had to violate the geneva convention, and nuke him with the power of the outer god of cancer and have the audacity to claim victory afterword
P.S. Your work is always immaculate, role model lvl
You are one of the people who made me an artist by your fantastic work, and I will be forever grateful for that 💗