It's just ridiculous that people continue to vote for those who are intent on bankrupting the poor and middle class, ruin America, to make the rich wealthier.
Agreed. Democrats have an identity problem that they need to solve and quick. People need to meet people where they are at and begin conversations with them. No one understands this better than Trump. He has a network and Israel on his side. Kamala didn’t stand a chance, even though she ran a
As a former repub, they honestly think the second a dem takes office, all of the downfall of the previous admin is their fault. Luckily I noticed that pattern at a young age and never looked back. My repub friends/family instantly blamed Obama for Bush tanking the economy. You’d think they’d learn!
It honestly makes sense. Politics these days are culture, not simple decisions about what's best for the country. It's about who we are and we justify who we are in any way possible.
The same is currently happening in the UK. The right wing Conservatives who took over a healthy economy and destroyed it are now blaming the new Labour (left wing) party for the state of the economy. The Cons, led the UK into leaving the EU, which will damage growth for decades
Sweet baby Jesus! That’s terrible! It’s always the right wing people who think of only themselves & always wanna blame their wrongdoings on the good people who are trying to help everyone! It’s disgusting! & that’s what it’s like here & I dread the next 4 years. not celebrating holidays for 4 years.
What is worse is Musk is now stouting hate and lies about our PM. He was head of the Prosecution Service and Musk is claiming he didn't prosecute a sex gang because of their race (a lie). The same Musk who was a friend of Epistein
How did republicans win the label of being good at the economy? Because half of the electorate are too pig ignorant to know better, or have repugs been better at PR? I’m ready for the ceremonial republican stock market crash. Prices are a bit peaky.
Good point. At one point in time they were. In the 1950’s. However, history shows that over time GOP policies did not serve your average American well. In fact over the past fifty years, there has been a major change in the distribution of wealth in the U.S.. People buy it because the GOP learned
how to play to the culture wars, and guys like Trump and Reagan were people that appeared to relate well to the average Joe/Jo.
This allowed GOP to award the rich and major industry at the expense of the poor and middle class. #VoodooEconomics
Americans don’t care about facts. They care about their so-called tribes. What’s so sad is that at least one tribe could care less about them. That’s a fact!
Not true. Americans want to feel that their government cares about them. Biden was the perfect antidote to Trump, His timing was perfect. Trump killed 1M people by mismanaging COVID, destroyed the economy and our reputation around the world.
People were hurting and confused. Trump filled a vacuum.
This allowed GOP to award the rich and major industry at the expense of the poor and middle class. #VoodooEconomics
People were hurting and confused. Trump filled a vacuum.