Yep, it sure as hell does, but you need to understand that the rules apply to everyone else but not #FatAssFrumpBoy. He & his horrible family are immune at least in his eyes they are until they become a liability to him and then he'll throw every single one of them under the bus to save his a$$!
I oppose the Orange Monster with every fiber of my being, and I used to do immigration work for several universities. The "O" visa covers entertainers, sports figures, and yes, models, in addition to academics and researchers. So yes, Melanoma could have had an O visa.
How about going back to Ivana...she didn't become an American citizen until after the 3 idiots were born, so deport Jr, Eric, & Ivanka!
Go back even further. Mary Anne MacLeod didn't become a Citizen till after Don was born...making Don & all his siblings, except Robert...anchor babies! Deport them!
(Gen. Flynn paraphrased)
Nice if you to defend him, though. π
Go back even further. Mary Anne MacLeod didn't become a Citizen till after Don was born...making Don & all his siblings, except Robert...anchor babies! Deport them!
Respectfully, I don't see much of a difference in message here.