My aunties use to say after he sold weapons, faked the war on drugs, and flooded the poor hoods with crack.... "he went and got amnesia for convenience!" π€
As Gov of CA in '74 he deinstitutionalized mental health hospitals - putting mentally challenged on the streets. As President he pushed responsibilty from DC to the states who weren't equipped to handle it!
no mention of his Union busting activities and how he did that? FAA first he allowed Immigrants to work in construction to bust the unions.. and it worked, in 1982 it was an issue we all said only way to fix this is to jail those that hire them.... that did NOT happen
He also removed every single person on SS disability and forced them to reapply.
The process to reapply takes 18 months up to 2 years.
One must sue SS through the SS court system. SS judges. During this time one looses all former benefits.
All access to medical care, medication. SS demands you must prove your inability to work. That process is supervised by SS doctors. They force them to be employed.
For those with MS this can be disastrous. As with my sons mother.
Within 3 weeks she became paralyzed on her right side and blind. As the MS progressed she passed away from complications associated with MS.
As a side note the final result of Reagans policy, more than 8,000 elderly, infirm, and mentally ill died of starvation.
True. We need to put things into context. When Reagan became president the population of the U.S. was 226.5 million. Today it is 340.1 million or 113.6 million (roughly about 50%) more. To get to the level of deaths from Covid under Trump youβd have to scale by the increase in
population AND then increase it further by a factor of 10. Iβm not saying that there isnβt a direct line in Rβs from Reagan all the way through to Trump but any way you look at it things have also constantly gotten worse. The point now is that something has to happen to change that trajectory!
The process to reapply takes 18 months up to 2 years.
One must sue SS through the SS court system. SS judges. During this time one looses all former benefits.
For those with MS this can be disastrous. As with my sons mother.
As a side note the final result of Reagans policy, more than 8,000 elderly, infirm, and mentally ill died of starvation.