Hey remember when America fought against dictatorship? Remember when we had 2 world wars and whole ass red scare? Pepridge farm remembers.... half the voting portion of this country doesn't. Thanks maga, you made us the axis powers main fighting force
Wild times.
41% of registered voters
29% of all adults
< 23% of the population
One party will never get to do so much with so little again
∆ they're redlining while they have a chance...
As each day passes, efforts to destabilize and demoralize have less certainty of succeeding.
Every act of opposition, resistance, or obstruction limits their options & forces their actions to be aggressive.
• Show up for your community.
• Educate if govt won't.
• Blow the whistle.
• Hold magats accountable.
• FIle civil lawsuits.
• Register a campaign for local office.
• Bump Moms for Idiocy off school boards.