One of 4 post covid clinics in our country, serving a total of 1000 patients in a country that has roughly 400.000 suffering #longcovid but none of the physicians bother to #wearamask.
Make it make sense.
Make it make sense.
Reposted from
Erasmus MC
Koningin Máxima was vandaag te gast in het post-COVID Expertisecentrum van het Erasmus MC. Daar ging zij met alle betrokken zorgprofessionals in gesprek over wat het centrum kan betekenen voor de patiënten met post-COVID en met de patiënten zelf. #erasmusmc #postcovid #maxima
Perhaps people who can't get treatment should know that even those getting the BEST treatment also are not helped, could alleviate a bit of the grief, no?
A lot of talk, 'support', some medications for blood pressure etc. The pool of people appointed to set up these 4 small clinics several are GET proponents.
One thing COVID has shown us is that our vaunted scientific bureaucratic structures are not up to the task of rapid critical deep dives and the integrative research + approaches necessary to weave huge pictures together.
And we dont support generalist approaches to science at all