There’s a large chunk of the Dem Party that believes they lost in 2024 for defending unpopular minorities and not focusing on pocketbook issues enough. And they seem to believe that they can apply that lesson to the current democratic crisis. It’s not only deeply cynical but wildly wrong.
Reposted from
Chuck Schumer
When you’re in line at the supermarket next week and prices have gone up, you’ll know who to blame:
Donald Trump and his tariffs.
Donald Trump and his tariffs.
Yeah, I used to think that way too.
Not the only reason, but a big one. The other big problem is having no useful propaganda apparatus like the GOP does.
Beyond that: The issue is that there is no way to get the median voter to care about institutions, democracy, or any of the rest of it. They just don’t (or, at least, not enough for it to matter).
2. What could they have done that would not have ITSELF harmed Democratic institutions and practices (as for example some of Biden's pardons may have done).
This is not the time for infighting or losing heart. This is the time to fight.
Right now this is a narrative war to prepare for a likely tipping point in 6 months or with something terrible happening. The way to ensure the public stands up for America then is to align them to your narrative now.
Trump's ads attacking Harris's position on tax payer funding for transition surgeries for prisoners seemed to be effective. --are you saying they weren't?
If so, don't just offer muddy generalizations, make a case.