That’s a good start but we can’t stop there! Cancel the Post and Amazon! We don’t need to give him another dollar and he will never be able to spend what he has!
I just happened to see All the President's Men, and it reminded me of WaPo's honorable history. How far it's sunk. I cancelled after the "no endorsing presidential candidates" farce.
At this point probably more useful just to describe how many are left, like remaining viewership of CNN and MSNBC. Don’t include the unpaid subscriptions for students/schools.
I feel so conflicted about WaPo. I’ve read the paper since I was able to read. I grew up near DC , and it was part of the fabric of my family. But I’m so so upset about the changes in the paper. AND I still want to support the journalists.
Understood. But there are other journalists so support and the ones you like at WaPo won't be around for long or see the fruits of your subscriptions if they continue to go against the man worth $230B.
Interesting point - I wonder whether they track non-renewals with the same set of metrics as cancelations. If not, the number of forfeited subscribers might actually be much higher.
When I went to the site to cancel my only choice was to non-renew, as my subscription runs out at the end of March. The newspapers that I subscribe to do not issue pro-rated refunds if I cancel.
Completely understood! It's just that you're not the 1st person I've seen that opted not to renew, and I'm wondering if that kind of cancelation is bucketed with "active" cancelations or separately. If separate, it could be that they've actually sustained greater losses than are being reported
I hope that today's protest gets some recognition from CEO's and Corporations, that Middle class America is not happy about the 1% getting more tax cuts...
#War #Violence #Hate #Revenge #Censorship degrade the human experience.
Calling Musk Nazi, when he is 100% NOT has lead to numerous death threats. Was that your goal? That is a very bad cause whether you realize it or not.
Let’s not inconvenience ourselves to actually make profound statements through financial avenues.
I mean bringing down these fucks by way of our spending power is all we have left.
The next step is unthinkable and horrific.
South Park had Jeff Bezos spot on years ago!
Calling Musk Nazi, when he is 100% NOT has lead to numerous death threats. Was that your goal? That is a very bad cause whether you realize it or not.