The problem is he does represent America. He was elected. America voted for this. That’s why the rest of us are so angry and sickened by America. We won’t stop being angry and sickened until MOST Americans do something about it. Sorry isn’t good enough
Wishing you all the very best (democratically speaking) from the land downunder 🇦🇺 fight for your future.. the free world depends on it..
Farage, next, is a strong possibility.
Then we'll be sorry.
But Trump admin are acting like more than half of all Americans are behind them & unless more than half make it clear they are not, they do effectively have consent.
He's doing what he said he'd do.
America had the shit appetiser 8 years ago.
And from last year's menu they went for a full main course of the shit appetiser with added extras having seen how he tied their judicial system in knots & corrupted their Supreme Court.
Dumb doesn't cover it!
interference. We would be wise to do the same. #ElectionTruthAlliance
Where it belongs.
Have him bunk-up with Eelong Muskoxen.
Problem solved.
Yes you can... FUCK your courts they don't work (obviously).
Just do it and be done.