"This is....a new development."
I like that Kel swings from "charming pretty boy dilf" to "concerningly hungry gangly horror" like a pendulum. Guess he really shouldn't have eaten Kami infused aether in Doma all those months ago, huh?
I like that Kel swings from "charming pretty boy dilf" to "concerningly hungry gangly horror" like a pendulum. Guess he really shouldn't have eaten Kami infused aether in Doma all those months ago, huh?
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"Hey, you're not you when you're hungry."
(This is canonically how K'aldur usually deals with Void Touched Folks)
Anything that helps he'll take it! He's tried just about everything under the sun (even choking down a whole archon loaf his doctor forced him to eat) but alas, he's always so very hungry 😭
That... and he actually enjoys the taste of Archon Loaf... or he at least tolerates it because it's a filling meal.
(*Golden Corral HC Equivalent)
He has a close friend who runs a bar that offered to feed him in exchange for repairs, but he didn't quite understand when Kel said he might regret that offer 😂
After he proceeded to demolished an amalj'aa's worth of biryani he always gets extra servings as a treat ✨