Minimum voucher system oversight should be:
✅ All public school testing reqs
✅ Background checks for teachers
✅ Annual school financial audits
✅ Written reason for expulsion or admission denial filed at state
✅ Offer IEP/504
✅ Open bid for middleman vendors
✅ All public school testing reqs
✅ Background checks for teachers
✅ Annual school financial audits
✅ Written reason for expulsion or admission denial filed at state
✅ Offer IEP/504
✅ Open bid for middleman vendors
Many, in the name of their religion, are simply deniers of certain well established topics (science/history) commonly tested.
Religious non-profits are exempt from even the minimal non-profit financial reporting requirements.
Current SCOTUS unlikely to permit states to impose accountability on these schools if it inhibits their "free exercise"