Mark Zuckerberg said it was okay? A man who made a multibillion dollar empire from the program he created out of spite to rank women on their looks because a girl he fancied dumped him for being a self-righteous, arrogant prick? He was never the leading voice of his generation. Just a prick!
‘Given the political and religious discourse’ — oh, well if people are being hateful idiots I guess we gotta let them spread it around unabated, for the sake of ‘discourse.’ Didn’t realize slurs, threats of violence, ignorance and misinformation should just be classified ‘discourse.’ ffs.
Something tells me that even though it says “based on sexuality” they mean based on any sexuality that’s not straight. Call someone a straight cis moron and see how quickly you’re banned
Yes it is frightening, which is why we must be hell-bent on banding together like never before. I’m afraid younger minorities have taken for granted the rights they currently enjoy and have begun splintering off and hating others in our communities.
Deactivated Facebook a while ago and Instagram today. Sadly, still love my oculus so need to stick with that for now. How does calling gay families mentally ill improve discourse?
Ok Mark Zuckerberg is mentally ill as he catches the Trump contagion and spreads it as he can in order to profit personally. LGBTQ folks who know this one personally should know what to do personally!
He made it clear already by putting a top Heritage Foundation person in charge of moderation recently. I've been waiting for the shoe to drop, officially.
In the 1938 book “the problem of transvestitism,” the author said it was good that they could be put in concentration camps or subjected to forced castration because the “asocial mindset” of trans people and their supposedly frequent “criminal activity … justifies draconian measures by the state.”
I’ve never been on FB, but my perception is that it exists for 3 purposes:
1. To control and manipulate people
2. To mine data from its users that has potential to be used for nefarious purposes
3. To enrich its little spoiled brat founder, who started it as a sleazy dorm room prank
Look. Every content creator sees themself as a fieflord with their fief followers. Fiefsom loses interest in the platform and so do the lords, who are also the fiefs. So, when you allow the toxicity to take root, that becomes all that CAN sustain, for all others have left.
Who would have thought that the lunatic who created the future biggest communication platform in the world to effectively spy on women at his university turned out to be a bit of a weirdo?
I'm also frustrated as I only got a Facebook account in 2023, and that was only so I could apply for jobs. Still bitter about finally having to give in.
Considering that I left almost a decade ago after the umpteenth horrendous post I reported (this one involving threats to mutilate a transgender teenager with "a chainsaw and a rusty knife") was dismissed as "not violating community guidelines", I shudder to think what will pass now.
I strolled through yesterday and it’s already apparent. Lots of trans and homophobia, anti vaxxers, and of course the “I don’t care if your kid dies as long as I can have an AK-47” crowd.
The mainstream didn't resoundingly reject cruelty and dehumanization with the election, don't count on the mainstream rejecting it now that cruelty has the power to abuse people into obedience.
That worries me as well, and we're already seeing it happen at a greater scale than most expected. The Dems need to have a strong counter strategy built on: an inspiring platform that aligns to what voters value, getting results, and winning the info war. This requires the Dem party to transform.
The only way the dems come back into any power is if there is a crisis that needs handling like Covid. Biden gets all the grief for the vaccine mandates and got bounced when the economy corrected.
That's what has to be solved for, even if it takes years. What '20 thru '24 showed is you can be the most flawed candidate in US history and win an election if you get the electorate to believe an alternate reality. The Dems need an answer to that playbook because it will be used again and again.
It's a deep hole that our society is in, no doubt. I think the key is to win elections. If more humane leaders assume power, then folks like Musk, Zuck, Bezos, etc. would shift their allegiance to whoever has the most control over their financial destiny. Capitalists are $ opportunists at heart.
Idk enough about Bezos, but the others can only profit from a descent into fascism.
Marc Cuban seems to genuinely want to pull us back from the brink and seems to be putting his tuccas on the line for it. Takes more than one man though...
WHO is mentally ill Suckerberg??? Shame on you. How many sickos like you have tried to stuff us back in the closet? As you know who said, “WE’RE NOT GOING BACK!” 🖕🏼 Go get a real job
and stop trying to out bully Trumphole.
Shame, truth,decency... these are no part of the capitalist.
But in spite of our fears, this is not the time for despair. We’ve got to fight like hell!
People won't forget this.
I'm outside their reach for the moment. Idk how people in the USA handle the knowledge of what's coming...
God, I pray for this country & what it is about to become.
1. To control and manipulate people
2. To mine data from its users that has potential to be used for nefarious purposes
3. To enrich its little spoiled brat founder, who started it as a sleazy dorm room prank
Thought I'd wait a while but this is my deal breaker
It's a nasty form of bigotry to abuse someone over their sexual preferance.
I actively run back in to try and get others out.
Please, for your sanity. The abuse will get much, much worse.
I’m sad that so many people are like that.
The only way the dems come back into any power is if there is a crisis that needs handling like Covid. Biden gets all the grief for the vaccine mandates and got bounced when the economy corrected.
The robber barons now own a majority of the news orgs this time. They have learned from the past.
The playbook isn't fight, it is now endure.
Other than (for now) Blue Sky, there is no "polite society". MAGA is the new mainstream
Marc Cuban seems to genuinely want to pull us back from the brink and seems to be putting his tuccas on the line for it. Takes more than one man though...
and stop trying to out bully Trumphole.