Such a passionate hug he's really wrapping his whole little body and putting his all into this hug and they look so adorable and happy together oh this is so amazing THANK YOU NENOW
AAAAHH XD PFF I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT THIS MUCH! Wow, you are welcome? x'p Thank YOU actually, makes me happy you enjoyed it this much ^w^ Double the chu double the adorableness.
This, this right here, excellently shows off the cuddle-abilities pikachu's have, despite the short little limbs!!! 🥺
i love how you make the little legs grab on, and the arms out STREEETCHing just to wrap around the best they can, i would give atleast half my soul to experience that 😄 (1/2)
love all the silly little squishy faces and warm lighting, chu's hugging chu's is always a win+win combination!!
very lovely cuddly chu's and art as always, thank you for the warm art as always, makes me a lil' better even when i may feel even just the tiniest bit off about anything-!! 😅(2/2)
Awh thank you so very much, Potatorolitos 😊
They gotta use the entire body for hug since their little tiny arms are way to small to even hug a soccer ball, cling on it! I appreciate a lot of what you say always ^w^ Also always makes me glad to know it effects you positively anytime in any way! ✨
Hugs are always the best and by these two chus I say they are definitely very happy😄
Yay for cute demonstrations of affection >w<
Such a passionate hug he's really wrapping his whole little body and putting his all into this hug and they look so adorable and happy together oh this is so amazing THANK YOU NENOW
I just really like seeing Pikachus being affectionate with one another in cute little ways 🥺
i love how you make the little legs grab on, and the arms out STREEETCHing just to wrap around the best they can, i would give atleast half my soul to experience that 😄 (1/2)
very lovely cuddly chu's and art as always, thank you for the warm art as always, makes me a lil' better even when i may feel even just the tiniest bit off about anything-!! 😅(2/2)
They gotta use the entire body for hug since their little tiny arms are way to small to even hug a soccer ball, cling on it! I appreciate a lot of what you say always ^w^ Also always makes me glad to know it effects you positively anytime in any way! ✨