The thing I love about warhammer fantasy is that you need to be able to justify any two factions fighting eachother (even if they're on good terms in the lore) but also it isn't as grimdark as 40k so everyone is just kind of a shithead in a really engaging way
Bretonnia v High Elves? The elves trespassed unannounced through some dukedom and now the vain bretonnians are mad
Lizardmen v Elves? Sorry warmbloods the great plan says you gotta go
Dwarf mining expeditions in Lustria
Manfred looking for the Books of Nagash in Khemri
All the random expeditions and daemon incursions.
It's just fun
My favourite was the Lizardmen entry bc it included a friendly, non-lethal skuffle/wargame for practice with mock weapons XD