Access to our economy is a privilege? No, we need partners world wide just like they need us, tarifa are appropriate ? All she does is ask questions but no journalistic integrity on response
His plan is to take the building, “empty it of its 7,000 employees” and …. wait for it …. “turn it into a museum”. Trump’s turning our government into a wasteland of unserious people.
And filling it with “yes men.” It’s going to take a while to clean up this mess. The one thing I take from this whole experience is that millions of Americans are painfully stupid.
So in other words, any one serving currently in the FBI, who is not an overtly ring-kissing Trump MAGA will be fired. His goal will be to turn the FBI into the President’s personal vendetta force in keeping with his dictator goals.
Second, profit if possible
Third, run it as a personal service
What is happening to the media?