This guy could have gotten Trump impeached *twice* but didn't. Mitch was an enabler. He helped foist this monster into the Oval Office...twice...and onto a voting public both woefully ignorant and out of touch. Mitch is not going to last another 4 years and can't stop anything; he is a spent force
He is trying to exit this world, after decades of destroying America and yes he WAS a BIG reason Trump rose to power, by talking against what he KNOWS is the biggest threat to America and the World. NOT going to happen - he's going where he belongs 🔥
He's a piece of shit! He's the number one responsible for what we are dealing with today! He's a traitor! He's trying to rewrite his complacent in our today society for history! are a traitor to our country! Shut up! Go away!
Gosh. If only there were SOMETHING former SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE McConnell could have done. What could it be.....what could it be.....
So NOW he's worried he'll be remembered as a cowardly, hypocritical, craven, anti-Democratic traitor. Well, Mitch. It's too late. That ship has sailed.
Hey, Mitch, as one of your constituents, I’m sickened by you. I have voted against your re-election at every opportunity for literally decades. The depth of your culpability for the profoundly damaged state of the nation is immeasurable. You should stop talking.
Oh fuck off Mitch. You had multiple chances to hold Trump accountable, and like your GOP counterparts, you didn’t fulfill your duty. His words mean nothing.
He's a piece of shit! The audacity. He's the main reason we're in this position. Stood by Trump during his 2nd impeachment and campaigned for him. Now he says we're in a very dangerous place! You can't make this shit up.
Fuck Mitch! He had every opportunity to take the lead and keep TFG out of power and, like the chickenshit that he is, he did nothing. May he rot in hell for his part in our country’s tragedy.
America is saddled with trump because of this slimy and treasonous coward Mitch McConnell. His words are utterly useless now as both republicans and democrats hate him and do not respect or trust a word out of his mealy little double speak mouth.
Yeah, well we wouldn’t have trump heading to the WH if McConnell had respected the rule of law and our institutions of governance. But Gravedigger McConnell needed a victory. Unfortunately it was a Pyrrhic victory for which America may never recover. What a fool!
So NOW he's worried he'll be remembered as a cowardly, hypocritical, craven, anti-Democratic traitor. Well, Mitch. It's too late. That ship has sailed.