I’m really not worried about this. In four years, assuming he lives that long, he’ll be in the full throes of dementia (he’s pretty close now and it’s obvious the rate of decline is increasing).
Oh no he didn’t! He went there again?
MAGA is never going to relinquish power again.
We will have to take it back.
They no longer need the tangeranus. He’s expendable now.
I can’t wait for him to figure that out.
The fucking amendment says no president can serve more than TWO TERMS, period. If the people who wrote it (republicans, btw) meant “two consecutive terms” don’t you think they’d have actually said “NO MORE THAN TWO CONSECUTIVE TERMS”??? Jesus, these fucking people…
(And of course if little donny Tinyhands can serve more than two non consecutive terms, what’s to stop
Barack Obama from running in 2028? Didn’t think of that, didja Steve-o?)
Not happening. “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…”
Besides, Vance et al will put grandpa out to pasture by Jan 2026
This is RIDICULOUS. Trump thinks he can just waltz back in for 2028 because his terms weren’t consecutive? The guy couldn’t even get it done last time! We’re not interested in his CIRCUS ACT again. Time for REAL leadership, not a repeat of the CHAOS and DIVISION he left behind. ENOUGH!
is so old and demented he’ll either die from old age or be in a nursing home drooling all over himself!!
MAGA is never going to relinquish power again.
We will have to take it back.
They no longer need the tangeranus. He’s expendable now.
I can’t wait for him to figure that out.
Barack Obama from running in 2028? Didn’t think of that, didja Steve-o?)
Besides, Vance et al will put grandpa out to pasture by Jan 2026
Cholesterol do your worst!!
Myocardial Infarction where are you!!!
Massive subdural hematoma we need you!!!
Dare ya to listen to elons son and not have your jaw drop in shock