Guess they don’t remember him telling reporters to be quiet and sit down! ! How about when he wouldn’t let certain reporters in he didn’t like their questions! How about mocking a disabled reporter guess that’s ok too! So many so afraid of this lying Nazi, rapist racist DICKTATOR!!!
They aren't reporters. They are child minded attention seeking scum. They have never been and never will be journalists. They do the job just to feel important. Waste or wages from a waste of fake/neglected news outlets.
The media is trash and has failed this country. I hope the money they are making to sell out of this country keeps them warm when they lose their jobs to no one watching or reading papers anymore
I mean, seriously we absolutely should give up our freedoms and our democracy so that it can be easier for reporters. I mean it’s such a smart idea.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
And you needy, weak kneed, boot licking dorks fall for it every time.