White House and Ukraine Nearing Rare Earths Deal That Would Tighten Relationship, AP Source Says: The White House and Ukraine have made significant progress toward reaching an agreement that would provide the U.S. with access to Ukraine’s rare earth minerals and tighten the long-term relationship…
That is the situation of the state department.
Is lying to you! He will screw you and hurt your Country like he is doing to Americans! He’s a liar and a traitor! Do not give him anything!!!!!
Who is going to stand up to this felon?
Please make it soon j/s
An ally should help a nation when they have been invaded.
Not Trump. He won’t help without payment.
Of course, we all know he’s too stupid to think of it.
Let me guess? Putin!
This will go badly ...do the opposite of what people would expect
Not in long run help Ukraine (pretty much saying pay up or die)
World has to stand up for this or all gets lost j/s
However, we know to offend Trump may end our partnership. If that happens, we’re vulnerable to China
Cooperation has always been our way with working with the United States
That ends now......we are standing up to the felon
We also know it will be hard but has to be done just like any other time in history
The felon will not be there forever but the damage done will be j/s
We also have billionaires R.Murdoch & Gina Reinhart who BOTH helped Trump into power. 😬🥺
He is a criminal