Ron DeSantis Announces Andrew Tate is Not Welcome in the State of Florida: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis drew a sharp turn away from the Trump administration Thursday by announcing that Andrew Tate is not welcome in Florida.
The post Ron DeSantis Announces Andrew Tate is Not Welcome in the State of…
The post Ron DeSantis Announces Andrew Tate is Not Welcome in the State of…
WTF does that mean?
Absolutely fucking nothing.
Like Andrew Tate needs a goddamn red carpet invitation to show the fuck up.
DeSantis is totally powerless. They're just words. He won't lift a finger to stop him.
Dickless DeSantis.
Or, I should say "were" distancing themselves from him.
Now that Trump has openly embraced Andrew Tate, MAGA will take another big step towards their ultimate goal of pedophilia being okay.
Keeping it all to himself.