"Critics" is oligarch-owned Zombie Fourth Estate code language for "you can dismiss whatever comes next as nothing but biased partisan political rhetoric."
There are not enough votes to impeach Trump now. So you'd better hope we get a fair midterm election and every Dem, Progressive, and Independent votes Republicans out. And then you'd better make sure those you vote for will Impeach the son-of-a-bitch.
Where do I sign ✍️ let’s get the 🍊🇷🇺🇨🇳🇰🇵🇭🇺 🤡 out of the oval!!!! Not only that, we should pull ALL of the ex-president retirement benefits
mainly secret service protection. Everyone knows about all of the protection he pulled from anyone who served this nation HONORABLY
Could we please stop the impeachment talk. Until the dems control the house it won't happen and even if it does, it won't get 67 votes on the senate, which makes it pointless.
Due to unforeseen increased production costs, I am offering my new American Bible for $99.95. To add value, I will personally autograph every copy. This is my all-time favorite book. I never leave home without it. And, I'm proud to say that Shadey Vance, often reads from it to me on Air Force One.
If it happens, he would have to be forcefully removed. Elon musk now possess a thumbs drive that will open security doors that have been lock for 60 years. We have literally entered a James Bond plot. Without Bond.
mainly secret service protection. Everyone knows about all of the protection he pulled from anyone who served this nation HONORABLY
Every day he’s in office, is another day of destruction.