Your new Mommy tells you you're going to be having a playdate today, with the dragon kid named Starbuck from down the street.
It's the first time meeting someone your (new) age since the mysterious regression that turned you into a kid and took away all your potty training...
It's the first time meeting someone your (new) age since the mysterious regression that turned you into a kid and took away all your potty training...
He asks if you wanna play with trucks outside, but when you hesitate he tries videogames, then cartoons. You like cartoons.
As he sits down next to you, you smell something funny and realize it's his diaper.
Why is this happening? You're not a baby! You don't wanna wear diapers!! It's so unfair it makes you wanna cry... and because you have the emotional control of a toddler, you do.
You feel a bustle of warm fluff as the dragon kid hugs you on his knees, rubbing your back and telling you it's going to be okay.
"And rent. And car problems. And a job that stinks worse than my diaper."
Actually his diaper didn't smell all that bad anymore, but—
He grins and leans, whispering...
You blink. "But... how...?"
"Thats how the magic works! You can always go back if you want. You can give this all up anytime, if you really want to... but do you want to? Isn't this better?"