He should not have been left standing alone though. His fellow party members should have walked out when he was taken out. Or continue to shout down the lies and all be thrown out. Whatever it took. Instead they sat there while that man was the only one with a strong enough spine to say something.
Call for Green to replace Jeffries, that may help to get the idea across.
Al Green did barely nothing.
Someone punching those motherfucking Donald, JD and Mike until they bled would be a mildly appropriate response to what they were doing.
Fuck your privileged patience.
I hope it does in me, very soon, because I'm too tired, too hungry, too desperate.
I really want to use the rest of the little energy I have to do something relevant, something that will make terrible people afraid.
Hope I do.
Buy a bucket of KFC or a Big Mac, get in front of the White House or Mar-a-Lago, tell them you have a gift for Mr. President, tell them to tell him you're a big fan, that you think he's the handsomest man in the world, the largest beautiful dick in the universe, and you'll be in his room.
Then again, maybe letting him keep it is a better punishment, so I'm conflicted.
I think @thedailyshow.com showed it, recently.
At least a couple of punches one would get in, if he or she really wanted it.
Seems like no one does.