People who appease authoritarians always wind up being left alone after that, right? That’s how it works? You knuckle under once, and they don’t ask you to compromise your morals again.
I assume that’s what all of history and political science suggest, or why do it, right?
I assume that’s what all of history and political science suggest, or why do it, right?
Captured good guy: "I told you what you wanted to know. You'll let me go now."
Bad guys: Kills captured good guy.
Spoiler alert: Happens every single time.
Only nasty noisy people get noticed when they go. Nice, meek people just get in the van like they’re supposed to.
Said nobody ever
Probably more so if you cave easily.
i wonder if the morons of which you speak have ever read a history book....
perhaps its best to just say what one means :) thanks
"People who appease authoritarians always wind up being left alone after that, right?" is I think written sarcastically.
why not say, "People who appease authoritarians Never wind up being left alone after that!" if that's what you mean.
Just saying murder is bad gets boring.
anyways :) have a peaceful Sunday.
Their demands will be just defied