Another #rustlang vs #golang comparison where the author barely knows rust.
As I've mentioned so many times before, golang is simple until you hit the footguns. First one in the next post.
As I've mentioned so many times before, golang is simple until you hit the footguns. First one in the next post.
If the author's point is that #rustlang is behind #golang, their conclusion should not be "it depends".
Clickbait. had recently filmed her descent into madness, wading through pages of AI-generated slop with an ad blurb at the end, that Google results are filled with.
it does suck though. some decent creators use medium, but it's truly difficult to sort thru the junk
And buggy. In their code example, how many bits is a if "a := 10"? Answer: it depends!
And there's no reason you can't declare multiple variables in one statement in rust. And these are i32.
There are cases where you do want architecture-dependent types, which golang gives you by default, and rust requires an opt-in or type inference style opt-in to get them.
This looks "intuitive". Surely everyone has made this mistake at least once. Fortunately, you will get a type error if the array isn't ints... maybe.
- memory leaks in Go are a pain, especially when playing with gstreamers, GUI etc
- enums and 'thiserror' crate helps me write Typed Stack Traces (which Go can't do that)
- I can write code for everything
Or maybe I am not understanding correctly. Do you have an example?
of course rust is going to look lacking if you only look at things go can do, rust has a much larger scope and more features.