This is the hardship they planned and told us to expect. They have enough money that losing millions won’t affect them. Whether we survive or not doesn’t matter to them.
Musk is an absolutely scumbag too. A lifelong con man. They aren’t loyal to America. They’re narcissists. Sad to see our country being held hostage by these cancers.
Except, authoritarian capture means that there is no free press, or free press gets locked up and assets seized, they control the voting, control whom can run, etc.
I guess we’re about to see if “FAFO” can beat the “checks and balances” to “authoritarian capture” in the span of 24 months. #buzzbuzzbuzz #whatsthebuzz
The elements of authoritarian takeover are being set one by one. If we don't mass mobilize NOW, strike NOW, before they can consolidate more, then we are in trouble. Big trouble.
This is the first time I considered balkanization of the USA. I hope it doesn't of course. I think it will be more an authoritarian abuse of power that provokes mass civil disobedience, possibly riots, crackdowns, more unrest.
I just watched a series of YouTube videos on long-term storage. Started testing a vacum sealer and went through my canned goods. Not going overboard, but being prepared
Are you talking to me? Or are you talking about the feckless democrats who aren't doing a damn thing to stop anything. If they give them a single vote, they deserve to be primaried. We will know we can't count on them anyway.
One day at a time, is the only way we are going to withstand this. I'll wait until it is passed, and in the meantime send my thoughts to Democrats, and my harassment to Republicans.
Or throwing your vote away on someone who has no chance of winning. I still hate what Ralf Nader did to the 2000 election drawing votes from Al Gore. Awful and see what it got us?
I hate to say this but I agree. The Republicans walk in lockstep and the Democrats are all over the board. Now DEI is the battleground they choose to die on?
Me neither, I'm done with them we need to form a people's party that's for the people by the people. And we need to change a whole lot of things in our government and Honor our Constitution and what it stands for.
Right. Any third party at this time would turn out the same as in 2000 when Ralf Nader took votes from Al Gore and Bush made it into the White House. We’re still dealing with the fallout. It’s not a good time
Here’s my understanding and I hope it’s flawed. They can’t pass a year long version without Senate Dem votes. They can pass a 6-month version without Senate Dem votes. If you look closely at Patty Murray’s statement yesterday note the yearly-long portion of the statement
The elements of authoritarian takeover are being set one by one. If we don't mass mobilize NOW, strike NOW, before they can consolidate more, then we are in trouble. Big trouble.
Then I hope congress impeaches and removes him.
Probably worse.
After we are through this crisis, then hell yea.
these guys are just that incompetent at being autocrats