Not good but Musk is right, Tesla has potential for growth in other areas. A lot of car manufacturers are reaching out to Tesla to use their car chargers. A shame he backed the candidate who wants to pivot away from electric cars though.
Sounds good, but that’s like playing musical chairs. We need to find a way.
I truly believe there are true patriots behind the scene that will fulfill my greatest dream: seeing Trump and his cohorts on the run to N. Korea or Israel to escape arrest and imprisonment in the USA. MAGA goes dark.
It’s more of his inability to communicate effectively with people, and the psychological damage he experienced as a kid but dismissed and never dealt with. And by not coming to terms with his past - he’s a psychopathic ticking time bomb. He and Trump - together.
Stock overvalued: means to LIE.
Amazing how language can lull us into complacency. Just a nice little fluffy lie. Sounds so soothing that we fall asleep🥱 to it’s wonderful and whimsical … Hey! We need to WAKE UP!
Musk the genius? Not so fast. LOL
He lost ~$44 BILLION on Twitter/X. Now is Tesla on the same path?
It looks like the saying: everything Trump touches dies can now apply to Musk?
They are handed life on a golden platter and then proceed to destroy themselves but worse others.
Each of them were handed a golden “looking” platter from scamming fathers. It’s starting to tarnish - but gold, pure gold doesn’t tarnish. Unfortunately, a good number of people are satisfied with 9k gold. Wrist turning green? Earrings causing an infection? No matter. They cheer on anyway. Sadly.
Leon knew Tesla was failing. That's why he threw in with Trump. He thinks fascism will save his fortune. He should be sued into oblivion by the shareholders for driving the company into a brick wall. Pure ego and greed. Once again, NOT a genius.
I truly believe there are true patriots behind the scene that will fulfill my greatest dream: seeing Trump and his cohorts on the run to N. Korea or Israel to escape arrest and imprisonment in the USA. MAGA goes dark.
Amazing how language can lull us into complacency. Just a nice little fluffy lie. Sounds so soothing that we fall asleep🥱 to it’s wonderful and whimsical … Hey! We need to WAKE UP!
He lost ~$44 BILLION on Twitter/X. Now is Tesla on the same path?
It looks like the saying: everything Trump touches dies can now apply to Musk?
They are handed life on a golden platter and then proceed to destroy themselves but worse others.
Wouldn’t be surprised if they end up merging with another company ( BYD perhaps? )