If you're as pissed off as every sane American should be, I urge you to donate/volunteer, hell even run for office @runforsomething.net

It is now more prevalent than ever to support and elect young progressives.

Gerontocracy is the failure of all nations.



Here you go Melissa has made a great suggestion passing it on to my followers and anybody else that wants to be done with this s*** and actually do some action. I've got a copy of it myself that I will be looking at over the weekend
I had that same thought and I will get there hopefully sooner than later. My district is represented by a maga chud who doesn't even live here and he's not from here. He has to go
Agree about the importance of new leadership but the ageism here isn’t a good look.
We older opposition needs the young ones & they need us. Together we are stronger.
I'm more inclined to think this has more to do with playing the 'long game', since we have so many career politicians anymore.
We gotta get Josh Weil elected.
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It's your future$ Trump and Elon are gutting if youre 18 run for Office: township, city, state, house NOW!!! @ncaiyouth @sunrisemvmt.bsky.social @un4youth @occupydemocrats.bsky.social
Love this so much
You lose me at the ageism.
How old is “young progressive”? Gen X seems pretty young and energetic, and so does Sanders. And Reich.
To your point, there is no party that cares about us right now. We need new blood and a new party!
Great initiative! I hope you guys mobilize an army of AOCs and displace a bunch of do-no-good dinosaurs in office!
JoJo from Jerz, Do it! Do it! Do it!
Old people aren't the failure. Come on.

It isn't age. It's temperament, energy, ideas, strategy.

I can assure you that all those techbros and RoganBros are young. Is that what you want?

otherwise love your platform.
At 75, I'm too frigin' old. But give me a viable young candidate, and I'll throw my support behind them.
I want younger than 55 running for office. Also more women.
Also check out "Emerge." This organization lifts up women, all women, teaching them the tools needed to be successful in running for and winning elections. If you're just starting out, local elections is where to start. There is a fee, But they also have scholarships. DO IT!
Be the change!
OK: but before you throw everybody over 65 into the basket of deplorables, look around you: I'm over 70 and joined a couple hundred mostly older folks today at the Tesla protest in Superior, CO. One man of 90 was there with his walker! A LOT of us are doing the phone banking, texting, etc. for Dems
lol! Get back to me on that gerontocracy thing in 30 years. My generation didn't waste time whining about the age of our compatriots. We fought the evil and didn't turn this country over to fascism. Get into the streets. (I won't tell Bernie what you said.)
Just sayin’ -at the protests i have been to it has been predominantly older folks. They are paying attention AND taking action. Stop with the ageism bit already
Yeah, and the most outspoken Dems include Bernie, Raskin, and Al Green. You can get rid of the old guard without necessarily tossing out the aged.
Wow... older folk can be progressive too!
I believe they are pushing to the Millennial & Gen Z community to get off their ass, stand up, & educate.
They need to be educated first. Those are the generations that made social media the issue that it is. Too caught up filming everything.
That's exactly what MAGA did, and it worked. Now we have fascism and theocracy, the two most evil ideologies on the planet, right up there with good old-fashioned conservatism.
Black men and women with so called criminal records now is your chance the playing field is level run for office.
Young people, though, more often than not, are unable to write sentences correctly, know nothing about history, so make up their own imaginary facts, and find working a 40-hour week to be entirely too much to ask of them. I hope David Hogg gets good folks on his team.
Running for something beats running from something.
I’m all in for this!
It's definitely been proven that even the low-profile offices are important to occupy w/qualified individuals and not with white supremacists.
Unless elected Dems are willing to show up, mentor and help fund this, it’s just building false hopes.
Agreed. If Marge traitor troll Green, and white trash birdbrain Bobert can win. Any decent person should have no problem.
Who kicked out Tulsi and RFK jr both? RFK tried to enter this presidential race and was chased out. The DNC went public that they do not need to represent the voters! NOW, you criminals still attack Tulsi and RFK both. I am a registered Dem but the dem's never run a candidate i can vote for.
Hell ime looking for the
I’m gonna run for something. Something to really be a pebble in the shoe of local Repugs
Run for something. This is how GOP won despite being in the minority
Sure, THAT'S the problem. 🙄
I've thought about it. I might get 500 votes and 10K death threats.
I wish I was still the young women's libber I was in the 70s, I'd run and take these narcissists down
You can still teach us the ways 😊
Power is in numbers of persons voicing same concerns, demonstrating, challenging the unfairness in writing and civil demonstration, pimut pressure on local reps and don't let up. It was easier then as our SCOTUSs were truly unbiased and RBG fighting for women's rights a plus. Watch her documentary.
Not all my friend, I m 62 years old and I am progressive as any teenager can be. Is not they are old, is that after decades of service they have nothing else to give. They squeezed all the passion to make a change.
But look at Bernie or Elizabeth Warren as examples 👍🏼
I’m not going to run for anything but hopefully if I can get my passive income into a steady stream I will be happy to help someone else run somehow. How would I do that?
If someone you know is interested in running for office, direct them to @runforsomething.net They help out at the local level as well, meaning school boards, state House and Senate seats, mayoral races, etc. Also follow any local groups - they may also have a program aimed at electing local
Wish I did.